by Molly Goldmeier, Intern
I received a text message from a friend last week asking for a “huge-next-level-favor.” When you get a message like that, you never know what you’re getting yourself into.
It turns out she wanted my help driving a U-Haul truck from Cambridge to pick up some heavy furniture from her childhood home in suburban Boston and move it into her new apartment. Her parents are in the process of selling her childhood house because they moved abroad, and she wanted to pick up some furniture from the house and have a nostalgic day in her hometown visiting some of her favorite childhood spots – the local ice cream store, the neighborhood lake, the berry farm. [Side note for readers: If you offer me ice cream, I will always say yes!]
To be honest, lifting heavy objects is not my strength; however, I can definitely bring the spirit and enthusiasm! On the 90-degree moving day, we lugged couches, a TV, and some bookshelves, so we definitely earned that ice cream. Once we got all the furniture in the truck, we walked around her neighborhood and visited the local lake. My friend shared stories of her family visiting the lake throughout her childhood (like the time her sister kissed a frog!). Next, we went to the berry farm, and she shared memories from her childhood summers of feeding the animals and picking blueberries (the time the goat escaped, and she had to chase after it!).
When the day was over and we got back to Cambridge, it occurred to me that she didn’t actually need me for the heavy lifting (after all, I’m not the most helpful in that department); rather, she just wanted a friend to accompany her on the emotional walk down memory lane and saying goodbye to her childhood house.
This day got me thinking a lot about the work we do at Mayyim Hayyim to support individuals through life transitions. When I first started my internship here, I thought “life transitions” referred to major life events like illnesses or milestones. The moving day reminded me that transitions can encompass all different types of life changes – big and small. By creating a space to mark these changes, Mayyim Hayyim empowers people to acknowledge and sanctify these important, sentimental moments.
Whether it’s saying goodbye to a person, place, or phase; reinventing yourself or reliving a memory; or choosing which physical and emotional baggage to bring with you as you continue on your life journey, we welcome you to immerse yourself in this important personal discourse in ways that are meaningful for you.

Molly Goldmeier, raised in Southfield, Michigan, is a graduate student at Brandeis University pursuing an MBA in Non-Profit Management at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management and an MA in Jewish Professional Leadership from the Hornstein Program. She spent the past three years working in the corporate offices at Warby Parker and J.Crew focusing on corporate social responsibility, branding, and campaign strategy. Molly believes she can take lessons from the fashion industry to help develop creative, sustainable, and inclusive Jewish experiences and spaces, and is thrilled to be interning at Mayyim Hayyim this summer!