Mayyim Hayyim’s Ritual Creation Team has developed a library of original ceremonies to help personalize your mikveh experience.
Help us continue to develop new immersion ceremonies by making a donation to Mayyim Hayyim.
Every ceremony includes a pre-immersion kavanah (intention), blessings or kavanot (intentions) to follow three immersions, and a concluding reading. Ceremonies may include songs, contemporary poems, and traditional liturgies. They can be read privately, with the assistance of a Mikveh Guide, or with friends and family.
Immersion Ceremonies
The following is a list of ceremonies available at Mayyim Hayyim to enhance your immersion. Some ceremonies are available to download below; additional individual ceremonies can be emailed to you upon request.
Birthing/Creating a Family
- After Giving Birth
- At the time of Weaning
- The Ninth Month of Pregnancy
- Welcoming a Child
B’nai Mitzvah
- Becoming a B Mitzvah
- Becoming a Bar Mitzvah
- Becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Becoming an Adult Bar Mitzvah
- Becoming an Adult Bat Mitzvah
- Parent of a B Mitzvah
- Parent of a Bar Mitzvah
- Parent of a Bat Mitzvah
- Affirmation (adult)
- Affirmation (youth)
- Conversion (adult)
- Conversion (babies/toddlers)
- Conversion (youth)
For our Blessings
- 30th Birthday Celebration
- 40th Birthday Celebration
- 50th Birthday Celebration
- 60th Birthday Celebration
- 70th Birthday Celebration
- For a Gender Transition Milestone
- For a Joyous Life Transition
- Honoring the Process of Coming Out
- In Generational Gratitude, For Jewish Women of Color
- In Gratitude
- Upon Rejoining Community
- Being Present in the Moment
- Being Present in the Moment (for those from any faith tradition)
- In Preparation for the Yamim Noraim – High Holy Days
- Preparing for Marriage (for those from any faith tradition)
- Preparing for Sacred Service (for Mikveh Guides)
- In Preparation for Passover
- Opening to the New Month (Rosh Chodesh)
- The Beginning of the Journey (Rosh HaShanah)
- Turning Toward Forgiveness (Yom Kippur)
- Welcoming Shabbat
Preparation for Sacred Service
- Before Ordination
- Preparing for Sacred Service (Mohel/Mohelet)
- In preparation for the New Year (for those performing the Sacred Service of Taharah)
- After Finalizing a Divorce
- Following the End of a Relationship
- For a Bride
- For a Groom
- For the Father of the Bride
- For the Father of the Groom
- For the Mother of the Bride
- For the Mother of the Groom
Reproductive Cycles
- Following a First Menstruation
- For Those on a Fertility Journey
- Niddah, Immersion Following Menstruation
- Preparing for Conception
- Upon Reaching Menopause
Toward Healing of the Body, Mind and Spirit
- Acknowledging Abortion
- Following an Abortion
- For a Challenging Life Transition
- For Healing Toward Mental Health
- Healing for those Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness
- Healing from Abuse
- Mourning a Miscarriage (couple)
- Mourning a Miscarriage (individual)
- Toward Healing
- Toward Healing – After Receiving Difficult News
- Upon Completing a Period of Mourning
- Upon Completing Sh’loshim–A Month of Mourning