By Mayyim Hayyim Staff
To date, nearly 2000 people have chosen Judaism at Mayyim Hayyim! April, May and June are particularly busy months for “brand new Jews”. Ever wonder what goes through people’s minds as they finalize their conversion or affirmation process at Mayyim Hayyim? Here are some quotes from our guest book…
- Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and for welcoming me into the Jewish faith. I will never forget this moment, nor the smiles and laughter from our 10.5 month son when he immersed into the warm mikveh waters.
- I was excited at home then I came here I wasn’t excited anymore. Then I was excited again when I was in the bath. (Nine year-old girl)
- What a special place to bring a special baby… I can’t imagine a better way to welcome our baby to the wonderful world of Judaism! We love our newly Jewish baby girl…
- Words cannot describe how comfortable, nurturing and beautiful a place like this really is. As a new Jew, I am touched by Mayyim Hayyim’s manifestation of what Judaism is and should be.
- I cannot imagine a warmer, more inviting, more spiritual space in which to take my first step as a member of the Jewish people. It feels like home; a safe and loving home.
- My son’s immersion was a highlight. Bringing him (and myself) closer to our spiritual selves and to God made me smile with joy throughout the ceremony. At 3 ½, he seems to “get it” and his stuffed bear witnessed for him!
- I am so full that I am empty of words! I will never forget my immersion.
- Two young men “swam” into our community today, and what a glorious place to welcome them. What a warm, gracious embrace awaited them. How blessed we are to have this important place
- Wow…I can’t believe that I came here today as a non-Jew and am leaving Jewish! Mikvehs are magical! (in Kosher terms) I am so grateful for this day, this moment, and the people in my life with whom I have shared it. Thanks!
- Thank you Mayyim Hayyim. I was shaking throughout the Beit Din and after the immersion, but during the preparation and immersion, the shaking stopped and the atmosphere and kavanot helped me be at peace during the moment I most wanted to.
- The mikveh was such a wonderful experience, that at first I was nervous about, but as soon as I got in the water, I found that the hardest thing about it was the fact that I had to get out. It is something I will always remember.
- What an honor and privilege to be in such a beautiful space for my rebirth. Thank you for helping me take and every step with such kindness and compassion.
- What a wonderful way to welcome our daughter-in-law into our lives as a member of our family! There is such love here that I am sure will prevail for the rest of our lives as a Jewish family!
- Thank you so much for such a wonderful day and being around such amazing people and culture. It is the most amazing feeling to be in the right place and right time with God. The mikveh is beyond spiritually beautiful.
- Today my entire family joined here for a beautiful ceremony to convert our son to the Jewish faith. He is 18 months and it was a wonderful celebration of his adoption and of our love for him as part of our family.
- Thank you Mayyim Hayyim for the most beautiful possible conversion experience. I couldn’t picture a nicer, more peaceful setting in which to be welcomed into the Jewish community.