by Walt Clark, Office Manager
Stark: severe or bare in appearance or outline.

This past week at Mayyim Hayyim the walls were empty. The art has come down as we wait for the next exhibit to go up. A fresh coat of paint has seemingly washed the nicks and scratches off the walls, so that all that is left is the empty canvass of the building.
This is a time of physical transition before we see colorful art again. In many ways the building has become a physical substantiation of why people come here.

Spring 2012: RAW Artists

Fall 2014: Steven Branfman
Starting from starkness, there is freedom to add.
Freedom to grow.
Freedom for renewal.
The walls are bare now, but there is beauty in the possibilities. As we hope for all who come here.

Summer 2011: Paula Brody
The walls won’t be bare for long. Our next art exhibit opening, Into the Blue: Works by Alison Shaw, will be on August 20th at 5:30pm.
Walton Clark is Mayyim Hayyim’s Office Manager and jack of all trades. He is a working keyboardist in Boston, playing Black American Music and leads the acid-funk outfit Roxo Gato as well as performing in a variety of groups. You can follow him on Twitter @walt_twitwalker and on Instagram @welaxer.