Holy Spaces and Wavy Door Handles

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by Lisa Berman, Education Center Director Makom kadosh. Holy space. It is what we try to create here at Mayyim Hayyim. We refer to the process as “intentional design” – the highly focused, carefully thought out selection of everything physical at Mayyim Hayyim.  In our “Principles of Common Purpose,” we describe our principle of hiddur mitzvah […]

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My Family and Mikveh

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by Sherri Goldman, Administrative and Finance Director   We never spoke about mikveh in my family. I never really thought about this until I started working at Mayyim Hayyim. At Mayyim Hayyim, mothers and daughters come to immerse for many smachot (happy occasions). Families gather to celebrate conversions and wedding immersions. Mothers pass along to […]

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525,600 minutes…

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by Leah Hart Tennen, Mikveh Center Director With apologies for plagiarizing from “Rent”, I ask everyone to think about how one measures a year.  “In daylight? In sunsets?  In midnights? In cups of coffee?” This particular year feels a bit different, however, as I can measure it in many different ways.  As my first 365 […]

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Here I Am

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by Sue Horowitz This November, I had the honor of debuting a song at Mayyim Hayyim‘s Tapestry: Choosing a Jewish Life event.  The song, “Here I Am” was written for the ritual of conversion to Judaism.  I am a singer-songwriter, frequently reinterpreting texts, psalms, prayers and Jewish ethics. I am lucky to have a writing […]

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The Magic of a New Year

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by Sarah Gurvis, Administrative Assistant  Every year, as I’m sure most people do, I look forward to January 1st. There seems to be something magical about the beginning of a new year that we all seem to believe in. It’s the reason that New Year’s Eve is such a big deal with parties, and champagne, […]

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Moving Over, Making Room

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by Anita Diamant, Mayyim Hayyim President and Founder Once upon a time, in 2001, five women signed legal papers petitioning the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to incorporate an independent non-profit entity to be called Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh and Education Center. The signatories were Dr. Paula Brody, Roz Garber, Judy Green, Rabbi Barbara Penzner […]

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Yes, Actually I Am Jewish

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by Laura Seide, Development intern A few months ago, I wrote about wanting to immerse in the mikveh to recognize my transition into secular adulthood. I expected to find renewal in the waters; what I did not expect to find was the self-acceptance I did not even know I needed. I still remember the first […]

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Our December Dilemma Ritual

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by Julia Becker Collins, Director of Community Engagement When my husband and I were in our Introduction to Judaism class at Temple Beth Shalom, we had a class discussion about what is often called the “December Dilemma.”  This is the coined phrase that surrounds the ‘conflict’ that appears to many interfaith families and couples at […]

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Shouldn’t My Willingness to Go to Mikveh be Enough?

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by Ali Kaufman Yares Prior to getting married in 2004, I did a ton of studying and reading about marriage, ketubah (marriage contract), niddah (monthly immersions), hair covering, and even divorce in halacha (Jewish ritual law). After all, I was a Talmud major taking more classes than I needed to because I truly enjoyed studying […]

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My First Witnessed Immersion

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by Sidney Davis, Mikveh Guide My first witnessed immersion experience at Mayyim Hayyim was a remarkably extraordinary event. Personally, it was an affirmation of my role as a mikveh guide. I volunteered to become a mikveh guide because I wanted to take a more active role within my Jewish community that reflected not only my […]

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